The Second Thursday Bookclub has been reading together since 2001, and we’ll be reading our 200th title in April of 2022. When you read (or intend to read) that many books with the same group of friends, you are bonded forever.

- NASA Astronomy Pic of the Dlay
- You live on a planet, located in a universe. Don't forget
- 2nd Thursday Book Club
- Reading together since 2002
- Still a devoted listener and supporter
- California Crop Harvest Calendar
- Fiddletown Planting Calendar
- UCCE Master Food Preservers of Central Sierra
- UCCE Master Gardeners of Amador County
- UCCE Master Gardeners of El Dorado County
- Green Heron Tools
- Tools designed for women, plus body care for gardeners
- The Marginalian
- Maria Popova's "inventory of a meaningful life"
- The Universe in Verse
- Maria Popova's work gives me life
- Questionable Content
- Simple daily happiness...